Small business under 5 years old? Secure advantage of public support

Municipalities offer the 'Business Support Plan for Startups', which helps small businesses under five years old meet a key requirement of startup subsidies, such as the one of Tokyo, on more favourable terms. Pre-establishment businesses can also benefit from reduced registration tax.

Small business under 5 years old? Secure advantage of public support
‘Business Support Plan for Startups’ can be useful when applying for startup subsidies in Japan

What is the 'Business Support Plan for Startups'?

The ‘Business Support Plan for Startups’, or 創業支援等事業計画 in Japanese, provides guidance and resources for starting a business. Completing the required training courses and fulfilling the necessary criteria earn you a certificate of recognition, which consists of one of the required documents for the Tokyo Startup Subsidy.

Programme is provided nationwide

The programme is offered by municipalities nationwide. The certificate issued under the programme provides advantages when applying for a JFC loan, for example. In addition, if your company is pre-established, you can benefit from a reduction in registration tax.

Tokyo Startup Subsidy for small businesses
The Startup Subsidy offered by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is to support new and small businesses less than five years old. This subsidy is highly competitive but applying can be worthwhile if you’re an (aspiring) entrepreneur tackling social challenges or have a very good business model.


Who is eligible?

Why seek certification?

Less time, same benefits: Business Support Plan for Startups programme vs. Tokyo's consultation (particularly when applying for the Tokyo Startup Subsidy)

How to obtain the certificate?

Yes, it still takes time... any other perspective?